Settling down with peace of mind

  • Kathy’s team is at your service:

  • Comprehensive analysis of humanities and geographical environment, unlocking school districts, commuting, population composition, surrounding businesses, living environment, etc. in different regions for you

  • Based on your needs, analyze and recommend cities or regions that suit you

  • Comprehensively introduce to you the advantages and disadvantages of the house, and comprehensively check for your peace of mind

  • Interpret various disclosure reports for you in detail and professionally, so that you can buy a house clearly

  • Provide you with well-founded bid references and act as your representative to communicate and negotiate with the other party

  • We will provide you with continuous and comprehensive support and services before, during and after the transaction

  • For more services, your consultation is welcome

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买房坑很多,在这里,我们为您分享最常见的一些买房问题,帮助您成功避坑!如果有您关心而我们没有列出的问题,欢迎Free Consultation

Is it possible for a minor to own real estate in California?
Is it possible for a minor to own real estate in California?

Recently, I received an inquiry from a client who wanted to understand whether it is possible to purchase real estate in California and have the property recorded under the name of their minor children.

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How Zillow determines the value of a house? Should I trust the Zestimate?
How Zillow determines the value of a house? Should I trust the Zestimate?

A few days ago, a client of mine encountered a strange incident. The estimated value of a house on Zillow increased by around 50 to 60 thousand within just one week.

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明年2024年加州住房市场利率会降低吗?房价会下降吗?今年抵押贷款利率这么高,要等到明年再买房吗?来看来自C.A.R. 加州房地产经纪人协会的预测
明年2024年加州住房市场利率会降低吗?房价会下降吗?今年抵押贷款利率这么高,要等到明年再买房吗?来看来自C.A.R. 加州房地产经纪人协会的预测


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其实买房前想了解小区HOA的财务状况并不难,只需要把每年的财务预算报表仔细读一读,就可以充分了解小区的财务情况,不至于某天突然被征收五六千到一两万的special assessment特别评估费而措手不及。就是我手中这样的一份Annual budget report大概四五十页,我会在客户买房前给他们详细解读,今天我来挑几页重要信息和您来分享,帮您轻松避开HOA财务里的坑。

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Back On Market的房子值得去捡漏吗?
Back On Market的房子值得去捡漏吗?

最近湾区的房地产市场在调整,不少紧盯市场的小伙伴就能发现back on market的房子就会时不时地冒出来,而且有的还有不少降价幅度。那么这样重回市场的房子,可以去捡个漏吗?本文Kathy就来和您聊聊要买Back on market的房子有哪些注意事项。

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湾区买房,不关注这些Red flags肯定会后悔
湾区买房,不关注这些Red flags肯定会后悔

如何在买房下offer前,就迅速了解房子的真实状况,从而做到买房不后悔不踩坑呢?房屋检查报告中的Red Flags一定要仔细查看。本文Kathy分享时刻就来和您聊聊在买房过程中审阅房屋检查报告时要重点关注哪些red flags?

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It is almost inevitable to do inquiries against credit history when applying for a mortgage. And credit score will be hurt for each inquiry. What to do? First, you should know soft pulls won't hurt credit score. There are 2 types of soft pulls: personal inquiry and non-credit inquiry. Personal inquiry is that you see in your credit card website (if they provide credit score) or from platforms like credit karma. But there are rare cases where bank/lender would like to provide it for Prequalification or Preapproval. Second, when applying for a mortgage, no matter how many hard pulls you have, as long as all of them falls in a short term (for example 1 week), they shall be counted as one inquiry. So, when doing real application, better quote several at the same time to get the best rate.
Pre-Qualification might be adequate for most areas, but not the SF Bay Area! In the Bay Area, there are lots of cash buyers, if you are not sure to close, why seller would boarder to consider you? When applying for Pre-Approval, make sure how long the lender could close, more than 30 days will result in no consideration from sellers. The shorter, the better. Most Bay Area lenders could make it within 2 weeks. The big four (Chase, Wells Fargo, Pre-Approval, and Bank of America) approval letter are the best, because of their reliability. Of course the requirements would be higher. A Pre-Approval letter usually good for half a year. Not like Pre Qualification,Pre-Approval need underwriting, so give it at least 3 business days.
In the Bay Area, there are 3 most seen inspections: general inspection, roof inspection, and termite inspection. And sellers usually having them done before listing. But unless there are problems that need prolonged repairing or severe structural problem, the cost is not so expensive as compared to what buyer usually add on asking price (which is usually $200k+ now). Obviously, seller would prefer to choose those who does not require inspections if seller has 2 offers at the same price. So, lots of buyers are making no-contingency offers. Some sellers do not provide inspections. Buyer needs to consider whether to do inspections. The suggestion is if there are more options, just do it. But if there are limited choice(s), go for it. Anyway, the cost of repairing is not so expensive, but a good home is not so easy to see. If buyer ever does inspections, the suggestions is by doing a general inspection first, and depends on the report decide whether further inspections needed.